Experiments in Alternating Current# Charge and Discharge Of Capacitors, Growth and Decay of Current in Inductors, Measurement Of Impedance, Resonance in Rlc Circuits. Experiments in Wave Motion# Sound Waves, Light Waves, Bragg Scattering With Microwaves. Experiments in Modern Physics# Photoelectric Effect, Spectroscopy, Franck-hertz Effect.

Faculty: Faculty of Physics
|Undergraduate Studies

Pre-required courses

(44102 - Safety in Ee Labs. and 114075 - Physics 2mm and 114081 - Physics Lab. 1) or (114052 - Physics 2 and 114081 - Physics Lab. 1)

Parallel course

114073 - Int. to Quantum Physics For Engineering 124408 - Intr.to Quantum Chemi.and Applications

Course with no extra credit

124611 - Introduction Lab. in Chemical Physics

Course with no extra credit (contained)

114030 - Advanced Phys. Lab. 2 Mc 114033 - Physics Lab. 2h

Course with no extra credit (contains)

114019 114021 - Physics Lab. 2m 114034 - Physics Lab 2mp

Semestrial Information