The Students Will Learn to Apply Tools For The Analysis and Synthesis Of Mechatronic Systems, Such As Ohm's Law, Kirchhoff's Law, Thevenin's Norton's Theorem and Their Applications. They Will Analyze Amplifiers, Semiconductor and Digital Circuits That Include Logical Gates, Memory Components, and State Machines. They Will Analyze Magnetic Circuits, and Dc Motors (stepper, Brushed, Brushless).

Faculty: Mechanical Engineering
|Undergraduate Studies

Pre-required courses

34032 - Linear Systems M or 114052 - Physics 2

Course with no extra credit

34022 - Introduction to Mechatronics 34034 - Electric Actuators 44098 - Electrical Engineering+lab 44105 - Theory of Electronic Circuits 44109 - Introduction to Electrical Engineering

Course with no extra credit (contained)

34022 - Introduction to Mechatronics 34034 - Electric Actuators 44098 - Electrical Engineering+lab 44109 - Introduction to Electrical Engineering