Finite Automata and Regular Languages, Nondeterministic Automata, Closure Properties of Regular Languages, Nerode and Kleene Theorems, Algebra of Regular Expressions, Transition From Automata To Regular Expressions and Vice Versa, The Chomsky Hierarchy, Context- Free Grammars, Reductions and Normal Forms, Push-down Automata, Pumping Lemma, Closure Properties of Context-free Languages, Ambiguity.

Faculty: Computer Science
|Undergraduate Studies |Graduate Studies

Pre-required courses

(104290 - Set Theory and 106156 - Mathematical Logic) or 234293 - Logic and Set Theory For Cs

Parallel course

104291 - Combinatorial Algorithms 234247 - Algorithms 1

Course with no extra credit

214912 - Computational Models For Teachers 234129 - Int. to Set Theory and Automata For Cs

Semestrial Information