Definition and Examples. Continuity. The Completion Theorem, The Baire Catedory Theorem, The Banach Fixed Point Rheorem, Compactness. Compactness in Metric Spaces. Sequential Compactness. Lebesgue Number and Total Boudedness. Local Compactness, The Aazela-ascoli Theorem, The One-point Compuctification. Connectedness. Path Connectedness, Connected Components. Tychonoff's Theorem. Basis, Uryssohn's Lemma and Teitze's Theorem. Compact Hausdorff Spaces. Additional Topics May Include. The Stene-weierstrass Theorem, Lindeloff's Theorem, Compactifiations.

Faculty: Mathematics
|Undergraduate Studies

Pre-required courses

(94345 - Discrete Mathematics (for I.e) and 104031 - Calculus 1m) or (104002 - Basic Concepts in Mathematics and 104195 - Infinitesimal Calculus 1) or (104002 - Basic Concepts in Mathematics and 104031 - Calculus 1m) or (104031 - Calculus 1m and 234129 - Int. to Set Theory and Automata For Cs) or (104031 - Calculus 1m and 234129 - Int. to Set Theory and Automata For Cs) or (104031 - Calculus 1m and 104293 - Set Theory) or (104031 - Calculus 1m and 104290 - Set Theory) or (104195 - Infinitesimal Calculus 1 and 104293 - Set Theory) or (104195 - Infinitesimal Calculus 1 and 104290 - Set Theory)

Course with no extra credit


Semestrial Information