The Course Deals With Fundamental Concepts in Designing and Analyzing Combinatorial Algorithms. Topics# Sorting Algorithms, Basic Graph Algorithms# Searching, Shortest Paths, Minimum Spanning Tree, Network Flow.

Faculty: Data and Decision Sciences
|Undergraduate Studies

Pre-required courses

(94345 - Discrete Mathematics (for I.e) and 234221 - Introduction to Computer Science N) or (94347 - Discrete Mathematics and 234221 - Introduction to Computer Science N)

Course with no extra credit (contained)

94223 - מבני נתונים ואלגוריתמים 94224 - Data Structures and Algorithms

Course with no extra credit (contains)

44268 - Int. to Data Structur and Algorithms 104291 - Combinatorial Algorithms 234247 - Algorithms 1

Semestrial Information