In This Course You Will Learn About Aspects of Information Processing In The Context of Information Driven Healthcare. This Includes Data Preprocessing, Visualization, Regression, Dimensionality Reduction (pca, Ica), Feature Selection, Classification (lr, Svm, Nn) and Their Usage For Decision Support in Healthcare. Tutorials and Assignments Will Train Students to Deal With Medical Datasets. Learning Outctomes# Python For Data Science. Structuring Machine Learning (ml) Projects. Ml Main Concepts and Familiarity With Main Classifiers. Deep Learning. Ml in The Context of Healthcare.

Faculty: Biomedical Engineering
|Undergraduate Studies |Graduate Studies

Pre-required courses

(44131 - Signals and Systems and 104034 - Introduction to Probability H and 234112 - Programming )c() or (44131 - Signals and Systems and 104034 - Introduction to Probability H and 234128 - Introduction to Computing With Python)

Semestrial Information