The Magnetic Disk and The Compact Disk As Examples For Input-constrained Channels. Presentation and Analysis Of Input-constrained Channels. Construction Methods Of Encoders. Bounds On The Complexity of Encoders. Decoding Techniques For Input-constrained Channels. Combining Constrained Codes With Error Correcting Codes.

Faculty: Computer Science
|Undergraduate Studies |Graduate Studies

Pre-required courses

(44145 - Digital Systems and 94412 - Probability (advanced)) or (44145 - Digital Systems and 104034 - Introduction to Probability H) or (44252 - Digital Systems and Computer Structure and 94412 - Probability (advanced)) or (44252 - Digital Systems and Computer Structure and 104034 - Introduction to Probability H) or (94412 - Probability (advanced) and 234252 - Digital Systems and Computer Structure) or (94412 - Probability (advanced) and 234145 - Digital Systems) or (104034 - Introduction to Probability H and 234252 - Digital Systems and Computer Structure) or (104034 - Introduction to Probability H and 234145 - Digital Systems)

Semestrial Information