This Course Deals With Basic Methods For The Design and Analysis Of Algorithms, Including Search Methods, Greedy Algorithms, Dynamic Programming, Reductions, Augmenting Paths, Randomized Algorithms, and Algebraic Methods. The Course Presents Efficient Algorithms For Fundamental Problems in Graph Theory and Other Fields. Among The Topics Discussed Are# Breadth First Search, Depth First Search, Minimum Spanning Tree, Shortest Paths, Network Flows, Cuts, String Matching, and Geometric and Algebraic Problems.

Faculty: Faculty of Computer Science
|Undergraduate Studies

Pre-required courses

(234141 - Combinatorics For Cs and 234218 - Data Structures 1)

Course with no extra credit

44268 - Int. to Data Structur and Algorithms 46002 - Design and Analysis of Algorithms 94223 - מבני נתונים ואלגוריתמים 94224 - Data Structures and Algorithms 104287 104291 - Combinatorial Algorithms 234246

Course with no extra credit (contained)

94226 - Introduction to Algorithms 214910 - Algorithms in Graphs For Teachers

Semestrial Information