The Course Covers Selected Topics in Micro and Macro Economics. The Micro Topics Include Consumer and Production Theory, Equilibrium in Competitive Markets and Monopolies, Government Intervention and International Trade. The Macro Topics Are National Accounting, The Keynesian Model, Money Markets and The Is-lm Model.

Faculty: Data and Decision Sciences
|Undergraduate Studies

Pre-required courses

104003 - Differential and Integral Calculus 1 or 104017 - Calculus 1n or 104018 - Differential and Integral Calculus 1m or 104031 - Calculus 1m or 104195 - Infinitesimal Calculus 1

Course with no extra credit

94591 - Introductory Economics 94592 - Economics For The Behavior and Mana.sci. 94593

Course with no extra credit (contained)

94501 - Introduction to Economics - Micro 94511 - Introduction to Economics - Macro

Course with no extra credit (contains)

96501 - Economics For Systems Engineers

Semestrial Information