The Course Deals With Processing of Soft Materials and Their Mechanical Properties Characterization Using Various Techniques. The Topics Will Include# Introduction to Rheology Analysis, Elastic Solid, Viscous Liquid, Linear Viscoelasticity and Non-linear Behavior, Practical Rheological Measurements and Relevant Instrumentation, Extrusion Processes, and Applications in Various Soft Matter Systems in Food and Biotechnology. At The End of The Course The Student Will# 1. Understand The Principles and Fundamentals of Rheology Analysis. 2. Be Familiar With Different Rheological Characterization Techniques. 3. Understand The Fundamentals of Extrusion Processes. 4. Know The Basic Principles of Unit Operations For Extrusion As Well As Processing Characterization Techniques For Mechanical Properties Analysis.

Faculty: Biotechnology and Food Engineering
|Undergraduate Studies |Graduate Studies

Pre-required courses

34013 - Fluid Mechanics 1 or 54203 - Principles of Chemical Engineering 1m or 64115 - Fluid Mechanics

Semestrial Information