Basic Concepts, Intensive and Extensive Parameters, Internal Energy and The First Law, Energy, Work and Heat Calculations, Equations of State, Heat Calculations in Chemical Processes, Entropy and The Second Law, Carnot Cycle, Kinetic Theory And Temprature, Open Systems, Joule-thomson Effect, Thermodynamic Properties, Free Energy, Gibbs' Phase Rule, Heat Machines and Pumps, Two Laboratory Exercises, a Practical Project.

Faculty: Chemical Engineering
|Undergraduate Studies

Pre-required courses

(54478 - Int. to Chemical and Biochemical Eng. and 104041 - Differential and Integral Calculus 1m1 and 114051 - Physics 1) or (54478 - Int. to Chemical and Biochemical Eng. and 104041 - Differential and Integral Calculus 1m1 and 114077 - Physics 1l)

Course with no extra credit

54215 - Thermodynamics A

Semestrial Information