The Experimental Background of Quantum Mechanics (photoelectric Effect, Bragg Scattering , Compton Scattering, Davisson-germer Experiment, Spectral Lines, The Two Slits Experiment, Rutherford Experiment), Uncertainty For Waves. Schroedinger's Equation In (x,p) Space (related Terms# Wave Packet, Probability Current, Uncertainty Principle, Group Velocity). One Dimensional Examples (potential Well, Harmonic Oscillator, Potential Barrier And Tunneling, Two Barriers and Two Wells, Periodic Potential). Three Dimensional Problems (central Potential, Spherical Well, Three Dimensional Oscillator, Hydrogen Atom). Dirac's Formalism, Evolution of States in The Schroedinger Picture, Spin, Stern-gerlach Experiment, Identical Particles. Time-independent Theory.

Faculty: Physics
|Undergraduate Studies

Pre-required courses

(104038 - Algebra 2m and 114101 - Analytical Mechanics) or (104118 - Flow and Elasticity and 114101 - Analytical Mechanics) or (104166 - Algebra Am and 114101 - Analytical Mechanics)

Course with no extra credit

46241 - Quantum Mechanics

Course with no extra credit (contained)

46241 - Quantum Mechanics 114073 - Int. to Quantum Physics For Engineering 114203

Semestrial Information