1. Numerical Linear Algebra# Direct and Iterative Methods For Solving Linear Systems, Lu and Qr Decompositions, Eigenvalue Problems, Error Analysis and Induced Matrix Norm. 2. Dft/fft# Discrete Fourier Transform, Fast Fourier Transform, Spectral Methods 3. Root Finding Methods 4. Finite Difference Approximations and Quadrature Methods 5. Least Squares Approximation

Faculty: Mathematics
|Undergraduate Studies

Pre-required courses

104032 - Calculus 2m or 104281 - Infinitesimal Calculus 2

Course with no extra credit

34033 - Numerical Analysis M 34056 - Int. to Scientific and Eng. Computing 84135 - Numerical Analysis For Aerospace Engi. 85135 - Numerical Analysis For Aeronauticai Eng. 104283 - Introduction to Numerical Analysis 234107 - Numerical Analysis 1 234125 - Numerical Algorithms

Semestrial Information