1. Groups, Subgroups, Cyclic Groups, Permutation Groups. 2. Normal Subgroups, Homomorphisms, Direct and Semidirect Products, Quotient Groups, Isomorphism Theorems. 3. The Structure Theorem For Finitely Generated Abelian Groups. 4. The Action of a Group On a Set# Orbits and Stabilizers, Burnside's Lemma, Class Equation. P-group and Sylow's Theorems. 5. Free Groups, The Symmetric Group, Simple Groups and Automorphisms Groups.

Faculty: Mathematics
|Undergraduate Studies

Pre-required courses

104168 - Algebra B or 104173 - Linear Algebra 2 or 104174 - Algebra Bm

Course with no extra credit

104134 - Modern Algebra H

Course with no extra credit (contained)

104172 - Introduction to The Theory of Groups

Semestrial Information