The Course Will Provide Students With Basic Knowledge and Tools For Performing Data Analysis Using Python. The Course Will Include The Following Topics# Data Collection and Cleaning, Efficient Data Representations, Exploratory Data Analysis, Data Visualization, Clustering and Basic Classification Methods. Learning Outcomes# At The End of The Course Students Will Be Able To# 1. Perform Preprocessing and Cleaning of Raw Data 2. Perform Exploratory Data Analysis and Data Visualization 3. Use Basic Methods For Clustering and Classification 4. Understand The Challenges in Drawing Conclusions From Data 5. Effectively Communicate and Visualize Findings * Student Will Be Able to Perform These Processes With Python, Using Standard Data Analysis Packages Such As Pandas, Numpy, Scikit-learn, Matplotlib

Faculty: Data and Decision Sciences
|Undergraduate Studies |Graduate Studies

Pre-required courses

234221 - Introduction to Computer Science N

Course with no extra credit

94202 - Introduction to Data Analysis in Python

Semestrial Information