Coservation Laws For One-dimensional Compressible Flow. Isentropic Flow. Normal Shock Waves. Flowin a Nozzle. Flow in Inlet. The Rayleigh and Fanno Flows. Moving Shock Waves and Shock Tubes. Oblique Shocks. Prandtl-weyer Flow. Weak Shocks# First and Second Order Approximations. Theory of a Wing Section in Supersonic Flow. Equation For Velocity Potential in Compressible Flow. Similarity Laws For Subsonic and Supersonic Flows. Critical Mach Number. And Supersonic Flows. Wave Drag. Sears-hack and Von Karman Bodies.

Faculty: Aerospace Engineering
|Undergraduate Studies

Pre-required courses

(84213 - Thermodynamics and 84311 - Incompressible Aerodynamics) or (84311 - Incompressible Aerodynamics and 114036 - Statistical and Thermal Physics)

Course with no extra credit


Semestrial Information