Principles of Interactive Computer Aided Geometric Desin (cagd). Raster-scan Display System. 3d Geometrical Transformations. Homogeneous Coordinate. 3d Viewing# Perspective and Parallel Projections. Mapping Into a Viewport. Color Models# Rgb, Cmy, Yiq, Hsv. Light Model. Texture Mapping. Visible Determination# Backface Elimination, Depth Sorting, Z-buffer. Rendering Techniques Of Shaded Images. Ray Tracing. Introduction to Geometric Modelers.

Faculty: Mechanical Engineering
|Undergraduate Studies

Pre-required courses

234111 - Introduction to Computer Science or 234112 - Programming )c(

Course with no extra credit

46345 - Computer Graphics 234325 - Computer Graphics 1

Course with no extra credit (contains)

236216 - Computer Graphics 1

Semestrial Information