Interatomic Interactions and Lattice Structure. Phase Diagram. Solubility, Microstructure Evolution, C-fe and Ttt Phase Diagrams. Ceramic and Polymer Materials. Stress-strain Curves, Yield Strength, Strain Hardening, Contribution of Temperature and Strain Rate. Defects in Solids and Their Relations With Mechanical Properties. Griffith Criterion, Fracture Toughness, Fatigue. Creep. Guidelines In Choosing Materials.

Faculty: Materials Science and Engineering
|Undergraduate Studies

Pre-required courses

125001 - General Chemistry

Course with no extra credit

314101 314530 314536 - Gnireenigne Slairetam Ot Noitcudortni 314733 334221 - Fundamentals of Medical Materials

Course with no extra credit (contained)

314200 - Introduction to Materials A 314221 - Material Science For Medical Students 314535 - Introduction to Materials Engineering

Course with no extra credit (contains)

34049 - Introduction to Machanics of Materials 314008 314011 - Fundamentals of Materials Sci. and Eng.

Semestrial Information