The Course Covers Conceptual and Practical Aspects of Computer Systems With Computational Accelerators, Such As Gpu's. The Course Will Cover Hardware Architecture, Programming Models, Interaction With I/o Devices, Os and Programming Abstractions, System Security Implications, As Well As The Design and Implementation of Complete Accelerated Systems. Learning Outcomes# By The End of The Course Students Will Be Knowledgeable In# 1. Practical Tools For Programming Gpu's As Computational Accelerators. 2. Design and Implementation Of Accelerated Computer Systems. 3. Design Principles of I/o Accelerators. 4. Main Research Directions in The Field.

Faculty: Computer Science
|Undergraduate Studies |Graduate Studies

Pre-required courses

(46209 - Structure of Operating Systems and 46267 - Computer Architecture) or (46209 - Structure of Operating Systems and 236267 - Computer Architecture) or (234123 - Operating Systems and 236267 - Computer Architecture) or (234123 - Operating Systems and 234267 - Computer Architecture)

Course with no extra credit

46274 - Selected Topics in Computer Engineering 46278 - Computational Accelerators and Accelera

Semestrial Information