Microbial Degradation of Synthetic Organic Pollutants, Concepts And Definitions, Detoxification and Bioremediation, Growth Linked Degradation and Co-metabolism. Metabolism of Toxic Organic Pollutants# Partial (transformation) and Complete Degradation (mineralization), Detoxification and Activation. Kinetics of Biodegradation. Influence Of Chemical Structure On Biodegradation and Reasons For Persistence# Biodegradable, Persistent and Recalcitrant Organic Pollutants. Chemodynamics. Factors Affecting Biodegradation of Toxic Pollutants# Toxicity, Acclimation and Induction, Bioavailability, Bioaccumulation, Biomagnification and Abiotic Factors. Predicting Biodegradability, Biodegradation Reactions# Catabolic Enzymes and Main Biochemical Pathways of Degradation of Aliphatic, Cyclic and Aromatic Synthetic Compounds. Bioremediation and Biorestoration Technologies# in Situ Bioremediation, Soil Remediation, Ex Situ Bioremediation, Bioreactors, Biofilters and Active Barriers, Aerobic and Anaerobic Treatments. Natural Attenuation. Combined Microbial and Non-biological Treatment. E

Faculty: Civil and Environmental Engineering
|Undergraduate Studies |Graduate Studies

Pre-required courses

(64419 - General Microbiology and 134019 - Introduction to Biochemistry and Enzimol) or 125801 - Organic Chemistry

Course with no extra credit

16339 - Fate of Pollutants in The Environment