The Course Procides an Introduction to Electric Power Systems, Smart Grids and Renewable Energy Sources. The Topics Are Three-phase Circuit Transformers, Synchoronous Generators, Transmission Lines, Photovoltaic Sources, Introduction to Power Electronics, Power Flow Algorithms, Economic Operation, and an Introduction to Power System Dynamics. Learning Outcome# The Course Will Present The Student# 1.a Broad Perspective On Power System, Discussing The Principles Of Poert Networks and Common Energy Conversion Devices. Learning Outcomes# The Course Will Present The Student a Broad Perspective On Power System, Discussing The Principles of Power Networks and Common Energy Conversion Devices.

Faculty: Electrical and Computer Engineering
|Undergraduate Studies |Graduate Studies

Pre-required courses

44130 - Signals and Systems or 44131 - Signals and Systems

Course with no extra credit

44195 - Int. to Power Sys. and Smart Grid Basics

Semestrial Information