Machine Learning Has Great Potential For Improving Healthcare. We Will Read and Critically Discuss Recent Papers Covering How Ml Is Used For# Guiding Diagnosis, Personalizing Treatments, Analyzing Medical Images and Medical Text, Reducing Healthcare Costs, Reducing Unfair Bias, and For a Better Understanding of Human Physiology. Learning Outcomes# At The End of The Course The Student Will Know# 1. to Give Three Examples of Diagnostic Tasks in Which Machine Learning Tools Showed an Advantage Over Physicians 2. Explain How Machine Learning Tools Can Help Personalize Treatment, And What Are The Special Difficulties in This Task As Opposed To Diagnostic Tasks 3. Explain For Which Medical Tasks The Current Tools of Deep Learning Are Appropriate, and For Which Tasks They Are Not 4. Implement a Machine Learning Model On Medical Data, and Explain To A Medical Practitioner The Advantages and Disadvantages of The Model Versus a Human Physician,further, The Student Will Explain The Situations in Which They Recommend Using The Model, and The Situations in Which It Is Best to Avoid Using It 5. Raise a Number of Ethical Issues Arising From The Use of Machine Learning Tools in The Healthcare Domain

Faculty: Data and Decision Sciences
|Undergraduate Studies |Graduate Studies

Pre-required courses

46202 - Data Analysis or 46203 - Planning and Reinforcemet Learning or 97209 - Machine Learning 2

Semestrial Information