The Course Includes Two Parts# Fabrication and Characterization Of Genetic Circuits in E.coli. Fabrication# Molecular Biology, Pcr, Designing Primers, Dna Sequencing , Gel Electrophoresis, Cell Culture, Advanced Dna Assembly Methods (e.g. Gibosn Assembly, Cloning And Bacterial Transformations). The Second Part Includes Characterization Techniques# Electrochemistry, Fluorescent Proteins, Bioluminescence, Flow Cytometry, Time-lapse Microscopy. The Students Will Design, Build, Measure and Analyze Several Genetic Circuits# 1. Analog Amplifier Using a Positive Feedback Loop. 2. to Build a Crosstalk Compensating Circuit. 3. Genetic Oscillator. Learning Outcomes# 1. to Work With Computer Aid Software to Design Primers For Dna Assembly. 2. to Implement Engineering Models in Living Cells. 3. to Use Tools to Measure Biological Signals Inside Living Cells.

Faculty: Biomedical Engineering
|Undergraduate Studies |Graduate Studies

Pre-required courses

336544 - Design and Fabrication of Genetic Circui

Course with no extra credit

66526 - Synthetic Biology

Semestrial Information