Renal Excretion, Control of Renal Processes, Acid-base And Body Electrolyte Balance, Digestive System Function. Quantitative Monitoring of Physiological Parameters In Experimental Animals and Humans. Control Mechanisms Of Circulation, Hemorrhage and Shock, Respirometry, Control Mechanisms of Gas Exchange, Regulation of Water and Electrolyte Balance, Experimental Approach to Effects of The Cns And Autonomic Nervous System, Recording and Analysis of Biopotentials, E.g. Electrocardiogram.

Faculty: Medicine
|Undergraduate Studies

Pre-required courses

(274253 - Cellular Physiology and 274257 - Anatomy A and 274260 - Histology and 274266 - Anatomy B) or (274253 - Cellular Physiology and 274259 - Anatomy A and 274260 - Histology and 274263 - Anatomy B)

Parallel course

274323 - Physiology 1 - Cardiovascular and Pulmon

Semestrial Information