Morphology, Physiology, Nutrition, Multiplication, Sterilization, Genetic and Basic Concepts of Bacteria. Bacteria With Medical Importance, Host-microbe Relationships. Antibiotics and Mechanisms of Action. Infectious Diseases In Various Organs and Laboratory-microbiological Diagnosis. Special Attention Will Be Given to The Aspects Relevant For The Physician at Bedside. Principles of Choice of Antibiotic Treatment. The Course Includes a Seminar Work Which Will Be Submitted By The Student. Short Tests Eill Be Done Before Most Laboratory Exercises.

Faculty: Medicine
|Undergraduate Studies

Pre-required courses

(274107 and 274223 - Human Heredity and 274230 - Immunology) or (274137 - The Cell For Medical Students and 274223 - Human Heredity and 274230 - Immunology)

Course with no extra credit

274245 - General Bacteriology

Course with no extra credit (contained)

274315 - Bacteriology (teams)