Basic Information
The Course Provides Basic Knowledge of The Biology of Viruses And The Diseases They Cause. Subjects Include# Mechanisms Of Replication of Dna and Rna Viruses, The Interactions of and The Virus With The Host Cell, Virus-induced Oncogenesis, Pathogenesis Of Viral Infections of The Organism, Diseases Caused By Human Viruses, Including Clinical and The Response Epidemiological Aspects, Antiviral Drugs.
Faculty: Medicine
|Undergraduate Studies
Pre-required courses
(134020 - General Genetics and 134128 - Cell Biology and 274241 - General Biochemistry and 276413 - Basic Immunology) or (274165 - General Genetics and 274167 - Cell Biology and 274241 - General Biochemistry and 274249 - Basic Immunology) or (274165 - General Genetics and 274167 - Cell Biology and 274241 - General Biochemistry and 274261 - Basic and Clinical Immunology)
Course with no extra credit
134121 - Microbiology and Virology 274319 - Virology 274332 - Virology For Medical Students