Proteins-structure and Function, Collagen, Hemogloben, Enzymes, Metabolism of Amino Acids and Nucleotides. Nucleic Acids - Dna, Rna, Replication, Transcription, Translation. Carbohydrates- Glycolysis, Citric Acid Cycle, Oxidative Phosphorylation. Glycogen, Gluconeogenesis, The Pentose Phosphate Pathway. Lipids-fatty Acids Metabolism, Triglycerides, Phospholipids, Cholesterol, Lipoproteins, Vitamins.

Faculty: Medicine
|Undergraduate Studies

Pre-required courses

(125802 - Organic Chemistry Rbm and 274107) or (125802 - Organic Chemistry Rbm and 274137 - The Cell For Medical Students)

Course with no extra credit

274226 - General Biochemistry - Medicine 274227 - General Biochemistery Laboratory 274241 - General Biochemistry