During This Project The Students Develop an Iot Product Prototype, Which Combines Cloud Computing, Smartphones Computing, Iot Microcontrollers Computing and Various Hardware. The Work Is Performed In Groups of 2-3 Students. The Project Product and a Report Are Submitted By The End of The Course. Learning Outcomes# By The End of The Course The Student Will Be Able To# Build an Integrated Sw/hw Iot Product Based On Arduino Controllers, Using Cloud Computing and Smartphone Based Applications. It Is Required to Take This Course Together With The Course 236332.

Faculty: Faculty of Computer Science
|Undergraduate Studies |Graduate Studies

Pre-required courses

(44252 - Digital Systems and Computer Structure and 234124 - Introduction to Systems Programming) or (234122 - Introduction to Systems Programming and 234262 - Logic Design) or (234124 - Introduction to Systems Programming and 234252 - Digital Systems and Computer Structure)

Parallel course

236332 - The Internet of Things (iot)

Semestrial Information