Basic Information
This Course Is For Industrial Engineering and Management Students. Computer Architecture. Hardware and Software. Data Representation. Basic Concepts in Python Programming# Values, Variables, Expressions Arrays (one- and Multi-dimensional), Conditionals, Loops, Functions, Recursion, Input/output (textual and Graphical). The Python Development Environment# The Workspace, Program Execution, Debugging Structured Programming, Data Organization. Algorithms# Correctness Driven Development and Basic Complexity Analysis. Algorithmic Solutions For Sorting, Searching, Problems With Integers.
Faculty: Computer Science
|Undergraduate Studies
Course with no extra credit
234106 - Introduction to Computer Science R 234111 - Introduction to Computer Science 234112 - Programming )c( 234114 - Introduction to Computer Science 234117 - Introduction to Computer Science H 234121 234126 - Introduction to Computer-c (en) 234127 - Introduction to Computing With Matlab 234128 - Introduction to Computing With Python
Semestrial Information
Weekly Hours
4 Academic Credit • 2 Lecture Hours • 2 Discussion Hours • 2 Lab Hours
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Yael Erez
הרישום יתבצע באופן ידני מול מזכירות מדעי הנתונים וההחלטות.
Registration Groups
Weekly Hours
4 Academic Credit • 2 Lecture Hours • 2 Discussion Hours • 2 Lab Hours
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Rami Cohen
Session A: 07-05-2024 09:00 - 12:00- אולמן 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 202.
- אולמן 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 200. 202. 300. 301. 302. 304.
Registration Groups
Weekly Hours
4 Academic Credit • 2 Lecture Hours • 2 Discussion Hours • 2 Lab Hours
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Yael Erez
הרישום מתבצע ידנית מול מזכירות לימוד הסמכה בפקולטה לתעשיה וניהול. במהלך הסמסטר יתקיימו 2 שיעורי השלמה והחומר שבהן עשוי להיכלל במבחן הסופי. הודעה סופית על שיעורי השלמה תצא בהמשך.
Session A: 03-08-2023 13:00 - 16:00- אולמן 303.
- טאוב 3.
Registration Groups