Basic Information
This Course Is For Students at The Technion International School and Will Be Taught in The English Language. Computer Architecture. Algorithmic Approach to Problem Solving. Basic Concepts in The C Language. Top-down Design. Structure Programming. Bottom-up Design. Debugging. Measures Of Algorithm Efficiency. Real Number Problems and Convergence. Integer Problems. Array Operation# Sort, Search, Merge. Elementary Recursion.
Faculty: Computer Science
|Undergraduate Studies
Course with no extra credit
234102 234104 234106 - Introduction to Computer Science R 234109 234111 - Introduction to Computer Science 234112 - Programming )c( 234114 - Introduction to Computer Science 234117 - Introduction to Computer Science H 234127 - Introduction to Computing With Matlab 234128 - Introduction to Computing With Python 234130 - Int. to Computing With Python -bl 234221 - Introduction to Computer Science N
Course with no extra credit (contained)