This Course Is For Students at The Technion International School and Will Be Taught in The English Language. Computer Architecture. Algorithmic Approach to Problem Solving. Basic Concepts in The C Language. Top-down Design. Structure Programming. Bottom-up Design. Debugging. Measures Of Algorithm Efficiency. Real Number Problems and Convergence. Integer Problems. Array Operation# Sort, Search, Merge. Elementary Recursion.

Faculty: Computer Science
|Undergraduate Studies

Course with no extra credit

234102 234104 234106 - Introduction to Computer Science R 234109 234111 - Introduction to Computer Science 234112 - Programming )c( 234114 - Introduction to Computer Science 234117 - Introduction to Computer Science H 234127 - Introduction to Computing With Matlab 234128 - Introduction to Computing With Python 234130 - Int. to Computing With Python -bl 234221 - Introduction to Computer Science N

Course with no extra credit (contained)


Semestrial Information