Basic Information
From The Neuron to The Brain, Mapping of Cognitive Abilities to Their Anatomical Location, Neuroimaging Methods (eeg, Mri, Functional Mri, Eye Tracking, Meg), Setting Up Cognitive Tasks Using Neuroimaging Tools, Functional and Structural Connectivity Analysis Methods, Practicing Neuroimaging Data Analysis. Learning Outcomes# At The End of The Course The Student Will Be Able To# 1. Formulate a Research Question Regarding a Specific Cognitive Ability and to Match It to The Appropriate Neuroimaging Tool. 2. Understand The Steps of Neuroimaging Data Analysis. 3. Analyze Eeg and Mri / Functional Mri Data. 4. Summarize and Interpret The Analysis' Results. 5. Understand The Physiological Basis of Learning.
Faculty: Education in Science and Technology
|Graduate Studies
Course with no extra credit
216020 - Neuroimaging - Theory and Practice