Basic Information
The Chemical and Biological Fate of Pollutants in The Environment. Pollutant Adsorption, Solubilization/precipitation and Transformation Processes in Soils/water and The Environmental Conditions That Control Them. Biological Degradation of Pollutants# Main Pathways and Enzymes The Impact of The Pollutant Chemical Structure On Biodegradation. Predicting The Degradation Pathway of Pollutants Learning Outcomes# at The End of The Course The Student Will Know# 1. The Prevalent and Relevant Pollutants and Their Physicochemical Properties. 2. The Main Interactions in Soil and Water Including Adsorption, Solubilization, Complexation, Redox Transformations And Biological Degradation, Understanding The Environmental Conditions That Control These Processes. 3. How to Construct an Adsorption Isotherm and How to Fit Curves to The Commonly Applied Models 4. Understanding The Importance of The Kinetics of Adsorption And Solubilization / Precipitation Processes Using The Different Models Introduced. 5. an Understanding of The Redox Chain in Soils And Aquifers and Its Connection to Pollutant Transformation. 6. in Depth Knowledge of The Main Enzyme Families and Degradation Pathways For Degradation of Synthetic Aliphatic and Aromatic Compounds. 7. Predicting The Degradation Pathway of a Compound Based On Its Chemical Structure. 8. Assessing The Main Interactions and Behavior of A Compound in Soil Or Water Based On The Chemical Structure and Given Environmental Conditions
Faculty: Civil and Environmental Engineering
|Undergraduate Studies
|Graduate Studies
Pre-required courses
(14327 - Water Chemistry and 14956 - Introduction to Soil Chemistry and 125801 - Organic Chemistry)
Course with no extra credit
16327 - Biodegradation of Toxic Organic Polluta 17008 - Soil Chemistry
Semestrial Information
Weekly Hours
3.5 Academic Credit • 3 Lecture Hours • 1 Discussion Hours
Erez Bar Ruck
Session A: 01-05-2024 09:00 - 12:00- רבין 406. 407.
- רבין 509.
Registration Groups
Weekly Hours
3.5 Academic Credit • 3 Lecture Hours • 1 Discussion Hours
Adi Radian
Session A: 20-02-2023 Session B: 19-03-2023Registration Groups
Weekly Hours
3.5 Academic Credit • 3 Lecture Hours • 1 Discussion Hours
Adi Radian
Session A: 21-02-2022 09:00 - 12:00- רבין 301. 302.
- רבין 404.
- רבין 511.
Registration Groups