Major Types, Composition, and Production Rates of Solid Wastes, Regulation in Israel and Oecd Countries, Collection And Transportation of Solid Wastes, Landfilling, Leachates, Anaerobic Digestion, Biogas, Separation (trommel, Ballistic Separator, Eddy Currents Separator Etc.) and Recycling, Composting, Thermal Treatment (e.g., Incineration, Pyrolysis, Gasification, Plasms Treatment), Visit To Solid Wastes Disposal Facility. The Composition of Final Grade# Home Works 51pr. Report On Visit to Solid Wastes Disposal Facilities And Project- 01pr., Final Examination - 57pr. Learning Outcomes# The Students Will Learn Major Aspects of Solid Wastes Management and Treatment Processes, Types, Composition, And Production Rates of Solid Wastes, Regulation in Israel and Oecd Countries, Collection and Transportation of Solid Wastes, Landfilling, Leachates, Anaerobic Digestion, Biogas, Separation (trommel, Ballistic Separator, Eddy Currents Separator Etc.) and Recycling, Composting, Thermal Treatment (e.g., Incineration, Pyrolysis, Gasification, Plasms Treatment), Visit to Solid Wastes Disposal Facility. Facility.

Faculty: Civil and Environmental Engineering
|Undergraduate Studies |Graduate Studies

Course with no extra credit

14326 - Technologies Treatment of Solid Wastes 19326 - Treatment and Disposal of Solid Wastes

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