Classification of Cementive Materials# Material Testing and Its Significance, Lime and Lime Products. Mortars For Plastering And Renderings. Gypsum and Gypsum Products# Portland Cement - Composition Types, Setting and Hardening, Structure of The Hardened Paste and Its Effect On Mechanical Properties. Aggregates, Mixing Water, Additives. Fresh Concrete, Properties of Hardened Concrete, Durability, Mix Design, Concrete Technology, Testing and Quality Control, Laboratory Exercises.

Faculty: Civil and Environmental Engineering
|Undergraduate Studies

Pre-required courses

125001 - General Chemistry or 125011

Parallel course

125013 - General Chemistry Laboratory 314535 - Introduction to Materials Engineering

Course with no extra credit (contained)

14517 - Materials and Processes 1

Course with no extra credit (contains)

14525 - Fundamentals of Construction Materials

Semestrial Information